About Us
In 1964, Rafael Blanes Albiñana initiates the path of this law firm with the objective to give legal scope to the business activity. We have been more than half century aside big, medium and small companies which we have seen originate and/or grow, advicing them from our knowledge and experience in Business Law.
Our goal is to make available to our clients the best advice in order for them not to get distracted of what is really important; its business. We offer the calm to enjoy an optimum legal coverage; getting adapted to the budget of each company.
We are a medium size law firm with “feeling”.We get involved with our clients. We think that as much as we learn of the problem and the person that suffers it; more background we have to optimize its solution. This relationship of one to one has been the reason why a big number of clients have given us their confidence for us to advice them at a personal and familiar scope. That’s a consequence of why we also are an effective and resolute law firm in Civil Law.

Our experience and tradition get complemented with the dinamism of a youth gerenation of lawyers highly prepared, able to face, with success, any problem presented to us.
We give a proffesional, close, honest, efficient and resolute service. We have proven this over many years of activity and, in the future, we will continue demonstrating it.