Blanes Abogados Lawyers, companies, legal, commercial law, civil law, advice, legal, national, family, family, procedures, buffet, international investments, continued advice, business activity, constitution of companies, statutory modifications, capital extensions, reductionsCapital, transformations, mergers, splits, solutions, liquidations, intellectual property, industrial property, unfair competition, bankruptcy mediation, banking law, housing leases, business premises, income claims, evictions, writing contracts, review, resolution, breaches, claim of debts, civil processes, protection of fundamental rights, right to honor, right to privacy, right to image itself

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Contact us in order for us to analize your needs and prepare a tailor estimate, by subject or by continued counceling.


Plaza de la Reina 19, Esc. B, 1º B

46003 Valencia, Spain

Tel. +34 96 392 14 03

A group of people sitting around a table with law books on it