Derecho Civil
- Legal Services >
- Civil Law
People and their familiar surroundings are of particular concern to us. We offer them the best protection through our legal advice. We enjoy of a great experience working on a one to one basis. We assimilate any situation and its circumstances and we offer the best solution to any legal dispute.
As a limited example, not limitative, we reffer to the following matters:
- Family
- Procedure of mutual agreement in separations and/or divorces, modification of measures, liquidation of the matrimonial property regime, affiliation, guardianship, handicaps etc.
- Legal proceedings of separation and or divorce, modification of measures, liquidation of the matrimonial property, affiliation, guardianship, handicaps etc.
- Lease contracts of houses, business premises, rental claims, evictions…
- Contracts: Draftings of contracts, review, resolution, breach of contracts…
- Purchase agreement
- Donation
- Execution of building projects
- Bail
- Swap
- Loans
- Etc.
- Familiar conflicts negotiations
- Debts claims (judicial and extrajudicial)
- Heritages
- Advice on testament preparation.
- Heirs declaration.
- Adjudication and division of estates.
- Contestation of testamentary disposition.
- Etc.
- Civil procedures, mortgages, declaratives and executives
- Contractual and extracontractual responsability, punitive damages
- Fundamental rights protection. Civil protection of the right to honour, privacy and right to self-image
Our fees get adjusted to the needs of the client, by a Budget, also by matter or by continuous advice.
Business Law